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Tuesday, 30 July 2019 17:06

On manoeuvres with the army

Meet our volunteers - Becky

Team mate Becky on manoeuvres with the army as part of her day job with British Forces Broadcasting Service

Becky joined us in 2016 keen to spend even more time on Dartmoor and do her bit to help others. Living in Torbay and when not wearing her red jacket she's a broadcast journalist who works for the British Forces Broadcasting Service. 

"I was spending lots of time on the moor with work whether that was with the Royal Marines on exercise or Royal Navy recruits in training. I learnt my basic navigation skills with the marines and then spent some of my own time learning more advanced techniques. So inevitably joining the team was a great idea." 

She said: "My job involves talking with and listening to people from all walks of life every day so I felt meeting those people out and about in need of our help would be something I would fall quite naturally into doing."

The day job

She's been a journalist for nine years now and when she can't make training we can usually guarantee she's out of the country filming with the Armed Forces.

"I'm really lucky that in my current role I get to travel a lot so when I am home I love nothing more than getting back on the moors on a Wednesday night," she says. "Last year I was reporting in Estonia, Iraq, Cyprus, Singapore and Malaysia. This year I've been to Denmark and the north of Norway. Traveling to these places often sees me relate back to lots of the skills I've learnt with the team from first aid to rope (knots are fairly useful for tying expensive cameras to boats or helicopters in case my grip went!)

"I'm lucky that my employers are very supportive of my role in the team and whenever they can let me go for call outs or training they do."

When she has some rare free time she likes to spend that at the beach, with her family or making cakes. 

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Charity Number: 1202623.