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Callouts 2011

Displaying items by tag: wistmans wood

Stories of hairy hands, pillow mounds and parliaments

From hairy hands to pillow mounds and parliaments; we had them all at our third sell-out Dartmoor in the Dark guided walk on Saturday.

After two really successful 'Dartmoor in the Dark' night walks at Haytor and Hound Tor, we changed venues at the weekend to Two Bridges leading five groups of walkers out to Wistman's Wood for a slightly spookier walk complete with several 'stories' told at designated stopping points along the way.

Spooky stories told at night in Dartmoor's WIstmans Wood by Dartmoor rescue volunteers

Teams walked just over three miles starting at the Two Bridges Hotel. Stops included Crockern Tor, Littaford Tor and of course, Wistman's Wood, with a supper in the pub to look forward to after the walk.

Fundraising officer, Ashley Rubens, was behind the third in our Dartmoor in the Dark series. He said:

“Most of our training and callouts occur after dark, especially during the winter, so we take walking on the moor in the dark very much for granted. We forget that for a lot of people it is quite daunting so 'Dartmoor in the Dark' is for those people, helping them to experience Dartmoor's unique beauty at night."

"I was really pleased to hear the great feedback from our guests and very grateful to our volunteers for their enthusiasm making sure our guests enjoyed the evening. The money raised will go towards upgrading our radio equipment to the new digital standard, which is vital in supporting our volunteers during their callouts finding the lost, missing, vulnerable and injured ”.

Night time stories at Littaford Tors during Dartmoor Rescue Ashburton Dartmoor in the Dark

Once again the weather was onside with a clear - albeit slightly windy – evening with plenty of opportunities to see the stars.

As a completely voluntary service, the main aim of the evening was to raise money for the team. Proving to be extremely popular - selling out on every occasion so far - the team will be looking to hold more events in the New Year. Details of which will be released on our Facebook page and also emailed out to those who've signed up for our newsletter.

Dramatic night time sky as Dartmoor Rescue volunteers entertain walkers on its popular Dartmoor in the Dark event at Crockern Tor.

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